Instagram launched a new feature called “Create” Mode. You can access it by swiping left in your Story menu. Buy Instagram Followers UK
Instagram’s spokesperson describes the new feature as an innovative way to combine interactive stickers and drawings with text without sharing photos or videos. Click Here
This means that you can still use many interactive features you love but with a completely new interface Mode. You can’t attach pictures or videos to the interactive stickers. This is what you will need for the story interface.
Let’s discuss the new ‘Create’ Mode and how to use it to engage your followers.
Social media campaign
Use the Ask Me Anything Sticker to Be Open
It’s up to you how it works, whether you ask a question or let your followers ask. Instagram also offers a variety of templates for questions.
This sticker is a great tool when you need to get feedback from your audience. It would help if you aimed to ask a specific question that would spark the interest of your audience.
Privately, the response is sent to the sticker when someone submits it. It can be viewed under the view count icon within your story.
The responses can be shared, and the person who submitted them will be notified. This creates meaningful engagement and shows that you take the time to respond to their questions.
Starbucks went creative and created the “Ask Me Anything” sticker. This sticker lets customers quiz their friends about what drink they are returning to.
The versatile ‘Ask Me Anything” sticker can be used in many ways and for different occasions. Learn more about your followers and ask them questions.
Use the Poll sticker to test water for new products or content.
The poll sticker can determine which topic, campaign, or product your audience would like to see next. Although it’s not comprehensive enough to be considered valid market testing, your followers’ responses should indicate which one they are most interested in.
The response will also be private. The view count icon lets you see who voted for which option in your story. This can be extremely useful, primarily if your campaign or blog subscription is targeted. You can use this information to target different groups of people and then choose which option you want.
IKEA used polls to find out what customers liked while displaying their new catalog.
While not too complex, their votes were very much in line with their roots. However, they were accompanied by beautiful visuals and fantastic furniture design.
The poll sticker on Instagram is an excellent tool for customer research. Instagram has a large user base, so it is a perfect place for testing new products and services. Brands can use polls to understand their audience better and gain valuable insights into their customers’ preferences.
Send us your favorite accounts/things you like to follow
This sticker can be used to share your opinion on which funds are worth following. This sticker could be helpful if you are trying to build followers in a particular niche. Buy Instagram Followers UK
This feature does not offer interactive fields on the screen like other stickers. However, if you have followers that agree with or have similar interests in who they follow and what they are currently hooked on, this could still be a great conversation starter.
You have many options with this Mode. You can share music and random thoughts and interact with your followers by asking them questions. The ‘On this Day’ feature of this Mode allows you to share stories or posts you’ve published the previous year.
Countdown sticker: Get ready for product launches
Have a product launch or content? This countdown sticker lets your followers turn on notifications when the timer expires.
This can be a great way to announce product launches or content launches. It is essential to present a compelling pitch to get your followers to click on the countdown notification.
This countdown sticker will build excitement for an event or product launch. This countdown sticker is an excellent way for followers to keep them on their toes, build anticipation, and remind them that they are essential.
The countdown sticker can be used for more than product launches and events. It has been used by many brands for sales, TV shows, holidays, and just about anything else. You can create a countdown to order pizza.
A countdown works well for any occasion, no matter how big or small. Remember that you should include a catchy title and other elements, such as captions or gifs, to your reel.
You can try the “draw something” challenge
The new “Create” feature has not only new implementations of existing stickers but also includes several new templates.
One of these templates, the “draw something” challenge, is one. You are given a blank canvas and can ask others to draw theirs by tagging them in your story.
This can help you build a stronger relationship with your peers in your industry, especially if they are in visual/art/graphic designing. This challenge allows for off-screen interaction between your account and those you challenge to draw something. Get creative and challenge your followers. This is a great way to encourage engagement that will benefit your page over time. Buy Instagram Followers UK
This feature is excellent for brands interested in innovative products such as stationery or arts and crafts. You can also host giveaways based on which follower draws the best.
You can also create a community by hosting a drawing contest. Make sure to include a title and hashtag for your challenge, so it doesn’t get lost in the rest of the posts.
Get in touch
It’s much easier to have meaningful conversations with your followers once you regularly engage with them. The new Instagram sticker lets your followers start a conversation with you by using the story as a trigger subject.
This could be an excellent opportunity to get a group talking about specific topics in your story.
You can also use the discussion sticker to invite your followers to interact with you if you open a new studio or shop in a specific area. Your followers can ask for all sorts of information, including when and your hours.
This sticker is great for creating communities. Although it might seem small, the conversation you had with the sticker could be considered a mini-community– which is better than nothing.
Add stickers to your Stories
You can use more than one interactive sticker to increase the engagement rate of your story.
If your poll requires a more detailed explanation, you can use ” ask me anything” and ” discuss ” stickers.
Refinery29 is just one of the many brands that keep up with Instagram’s latest features. They combine the “Quiz” sticker with text and places to show their followers where they are staying in Tokyo. Buy Instagram Followers UK
You can combine different stickers to create something new. You can experiment with many combinations of stickers using Instagram’s ‘Create’ Mode. There are no set rules.